A Mexican-American teenager dreams of graduating high school, when increased ICE raids in her community threaten to separate her family and force her to become the breadwinner for her family. She works long days in the strawberry fields and the night shift at a food processing factory. Set in an agricultural town on the central coast of California, FRUITS OF LABOR is a coming of age story about an American teenager traversing the seen and unseen forces that keep her family trapped in poverty. A lyrical meditation on adolescence, nature and ancestral forces, the film asks, what does it mean to come into one’s power as a working young woman of color in the wealthiest nation in the world?
South By Southwest Film Festival (Virtual)
Alexander Valley Film Festival
IFF Boston
Chicago Latino Film Festival
Hot Docs
Images Cinema
Seattle International Film Festival
Milwaukee Film Fest's Cine Sin Fronteras Section
Philadelphia Latino Film Festival
Full Frame
LA Latinx Film Festival
San Francisco Documentary Festival
BAM CinemaFest (New York)
Watsonville Film Festival
EQUIS Festival
Phoenix Film Festival
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF)
San Diego Human Rights Watch Festival
Ambulante Film Festival: Documentary Tour